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Upgrade Guide

This doc is about how you should do to upgrade specified version to next version.

Generally, you should have no extra action to take if you use our docker version if we haven't written notes for it.

If you meet some errors which include no such table, please have a try to run migrations in docker:

# out of docker
docker exec -it <your-container-id> bash
# in docker
python migrate 

How to get the current version with source code:

git tag

The first line of output is our latest version of code.

v2.1.6 -> v2.1.7

v2.1.6 has a security issue which may cause unauthorized token-read. If you upgrade your instance from v2.1.6 to v2.1.7, you could go into docker and run following command to reset tokens.

python users_reset_tokens

v2.0.2 -> v2.1.0

Main breaking changes:

  • Upgrade django 1 to django 2.2 LTS

How to:

If you use non-docker version, you should change your web-server config to add a new alias for media file path (where to store images).

Please add following config to your nginx config in server block:

location /media {
    alias /path/to/static/media;
    expires max;
    access_log off;